Mk11:20-25 The Prayer of Faith
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# The Prayer of Faith ## Mark 11:12-14, 20-25 [© 2010 bigbirdz/Flickr, CC-BY 2.0]( "caption") >>> + have you ever **prayed**, and + God seemingly does not **answer**? + **why** is that? + God doesn't really answer prayer? + I don't have strong enough faith? --- # What kind of **prayer** does God answer? [###](#/outline "secret") ****** The next day as they were leaving Bethany,
Jesus was hungry. [13](# "ref") Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf,
he went to find out if it had any fruit. [Mark 11:12-13 (ESV) (p.1/5)](# "ref") ****** When he reached it,
he found nothing but leaves,
because it was not the season for figs. [14](# "ref") Then he said to the tree,
“May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it. [Mark 11:13-14 (ESV) (p.2/5)](# "ref") ****** [20](# "ref") As they passed by in the morning,
they saw the fig tree
withered away to its roots. [21](# "ref") And Peter remembered
and said to him, “Rabbi, look!
The fig tree that you cursed has withered.” [Mark 11:20-21 (ESV) (p.3/5)](# "ref") ****** [22](# "ref") And Jesus answered them,
“Have faith in God. [23](# "ref") Truly, I say to you,
whoever says to this mountain,
Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart,
but believes that what he says
will come to pass, it will be done for him. [Mark 11:22-23 (ESV) (p.4/5)](# "ref") ****** [24](# "ref") Therefore I tell you,
whatever you ask in prayer,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours. [25](# "ref") And whenever you stand praying, forgive,
if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven
may forgive you your trespasses.” [Mark 11:24-25 (ESV) (p.5/5)](# "ref") --- ## Prayer of Faith [(Mark 11)]( "ref") 1. The **Power** of God [(v22-23)]( "ref") 2. **Faith** in Action [(v24)]( "ref") 3. **Grace** Received, Grace Given [(v25)]( "ref") >>> + Centers on God's **power**, not my conviction + Comes from **faith** lived out in obedience + Is contingent on me showing **grace** to others: --- ## Jesus' 3rd Passover [(Mk11-12)](# "ref") + With the **public**: + *Triumphal* Entry [(11:1-11)](# "ref") + Cleansing of the *Temple* [(11:15-19)](# "ref") + With the **disciples**: + Cursing of the *Fig Tree* [(11:12-14,20-25)](# "ref") + With the **religious leaders**: + Jesus' *Authority* [(11:27-33)](# "ref") + *Vineyard* and Tenants [(12:1-12)](# "ref") + *Pharisees*, Sadducees, Scribes [(12:13-38)](# "ref") >>> + Jesus' ministry mostly **Galilee** + Annual appear. in **Jeru** were key + 3rd/final **Passover** ⇒ passion + **deliberate** actions w/: + public, disciples, leaders + **authority** over Father's house + kick out wicked **caretakers** + restore true **worship** + w/**public**, cleansing temple: --- **My house** shall be called
a house of **prayer** for all the nations, but you have made it a den of **robbers**. [Mark 11:17 (ESV)](# "ref") [Bernardino Mei, "Christ Cleansing the Temple", ~1655]( "caption") >>> + kick out **robbers** + seeking **own** profit + not God's agenda + **hindering** others from worship + house of **prayer** for all nations + again, with **religious leaders**: --- What will the **owner** of the vineyard do? He will come and **destroy** the tenants
and give the vineyard to **others**. [Mark 12:9 (ESV)](# "ref") [Mike Kotsch]( "caption") >>> + kick out **wicked caretakers** + **proud** + believed had **power** over owner + give inheritance to **others** + heirs **adopted** by grace --- Rabbi, look!
The **fig tree** that you cursed has **withered**. [Mark 11:21 (ESV)](# "ref") [Venray, Netherlands. Michael Coury]( "caption") >>> + Today: **small**, intimate w/discip + not being a **jerk** to a tree! + **deliberate**, to show a **message**: + Creator has **authority** + **same** msg as more spectacular + triumphal entry + showdown w/Pharisees --- ## Prayer of Faith [(Mark 11)]( "ref") 1. The **Power of God** [(v22-23)]( "ref") 2. Faith in Action [(v24)]( "ref") 3. Grace Received, Grace Given [(v25)]( "ref") >>> + Jesus **teaches** his disciples: + the **prayer** that God answers, + that can move **mountains**: + firstly, rests on **God's** power + not strength of **my** conviction: + **Jesus'** authority: + **tear** down and **build** up + **justify**, **forgive**, and **heal** us --- And Jesus answered them,
“Have **faith** in **God**. [23](# "ref") Truly, I say to you,
whoever says to this **mountain**,
Be **taken up** and **thrown** into the sea,’ [Mark 11:22-23 (ESV)](# "ref") [Victor Harbour, Australia. Dan Stark]( "caption") >>> + Primary **imperative** is v22: + *faith in God* : **Godly** faith + *mountain* : rabbinic **idiom** + all things, nothing impossible + **Creator** has authority over + fig tree, mountain, wind+waves + ⇒ focus: **power** of Godly faith + not **strength** of my faith + but **object** of faith + focusing on strength of **own** conviction is like saying: --- ## "God, I believe You will do what **I ask**” >>> + "if I believe **hard enough**, God will do" + ⇒ who is **servant**, who is King? --- ## ~~"God, I believe You will do what **I ask**”~~ vs ## "God, I believe You will do
what **You promised**” >>> + faith in **God** means: + **able** + **willing** do fulfil promises + **power** + **character** of God + so when v23 says: --- and does not **doubt** in his heart,
but **believes** that what he says
will come to pass, it will be **done** for him. [Mark 11:23 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **"doubt"** (διακριθῇ, hesitate, judge back/forth) + refers to doubting **God** + not doubting **ourselves** + What kind of prayer does God **not** answer? --- If any of you lacks **wisdom**, let him **ask God**,
who gives **generously** to all without reproach,
and it will be given him. [6](# "ref") But let him ask in **faith**, with **no doubting**,
for the one who doubts is like a **wave** of the sea
that is driven and **tossed** by the wind. [James 1:5-6 (ESV)](# "ref") [Hans Braxmeier]( "caption") >>> + v7 should **not expect** to receive anything from God + **double-minded**, unstable + doubting God's **power** **character** + **wisdom** + **generosity** --- # Have I doubted God's **power** or **character** to fulfill His promises? >>> + think God is **unable** or **unwilling**? + God's promises are **big**! + sins **scarlet** ⇒ **white** as snow + left **Counselor**/Advoc, wisdom + Himself build/cleanse **church** + coming **soon** as Righteous **Judge** + My requests are so **small**: + grades, career, health, happiness --- ## Prayer of Faith [(Mark 11)]( "ref") 1. The Power of God [(v22-23)]( "ref") 2. **Faith in Action** [(v24)]( "ref") 3. Grace Received, Grace Given [(v25)]( "ref") >>> + A **prayer** that God answers: + Centers on God's **power** + to fulfill His **promises** + Comes from **faith** in action: + **subordinate** to God, and + **obedient** to His command --- Therefore I tell you,
whatever you **ask** in **prayer**,
believe that you have received it,
and it will be yours. [Mark 11:24 (ESV)](# "ref") [Ben White]( "caption") >>> + v23 God's **power** to move mountains + v24 our faith **relatn** w/God in prayer + *prayer, ask*: not **command** + prayer requires **submission** + if I do not ack I'm **subordinate** to God + then I'm not **praying**: + I'm **telling** God what to do + Jam: 2nd prayer God **doesn't** answer: --- You do not **have**, because you do not **ask**.
[3](# "ref") You ask and do not **receive**, because you ask **wrongly**,
to spend it on your **passions**. [James 4:2-3 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Jon Flobrant]( "caption") >>> + asking for sth for my **passions** + (ἡδοναῖς, selfish sensual desires, pleasures) + is also not really **praying** + v4 **adulterers** + the solution? --- **Submit** yourselves therefore to God. ... [8](# "ref") Draw **near** to God,
and he will draw **near** to you. [James 4:7,8 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + To have **faith** in God means + to **submit** to Him + subordinate position + **draw near**, seek His face + not just His **hand** / blessing + not just warm fuzzy **feelings**! + faith requires **action**: --- Was not **Abraham** our father justified by **works**
when he offered up his son **Isaac** on the altar? You see that **faith** was **active**
along with his works,
and faith was **completed** by his works; and the Scripture was fulfilled that says, [James 2:21-23 (ESV) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Caravaggio, "The Sacrifice of Isaac", 1603]( "caption") --- “Abraham **believed** God,
and it was counted to him as **righteousness**” --
and he was called a **friend** of God. [James 2:21-23 (ESV) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + God's **promise** (Gen 15): **believed** God + promise **fulfilled** (Gen 21) + but faith not **complete** + until Moriah (Gen 22) + this is **real** faith! + the prayer of **faith** is willing to + **offer** all we hold dear + on the **altar** to God + in **obedience** to Him --- # In my prayers, do I **submit** to God? # In my faith, do I **obey** Him? >>> + not **telling** God what I want + for own **pleasures** + but asking from position of **weakness** + **faith**: not just assent or conviction + **trust** + **obey** --- ## Prayer of Faith [(Mark 11)]( "ref") 1. The Power of God [(v22-23)]( "ref") 2. Faith in Action [(v24)]( "ref") 3. **Grace Received, Grace Given** [(v25)]( "ref") >>> + Prayer that God accepts: + Centers on God's **power** + not my conviction + Comes from **faith** + lived out in **obedience** + Is contingent on me + showing **grace** to others: --- And whenever you stand praying, **forgive**,
if you have anything **against** anyone, so that your **Father** also who is in heaven
may **forgive** you your trespasses. [Mark 11:25 (ESV)](# "ref") [Milada Vigerova]( "caption") >>> + 1st imperative (v23): **faith** in God + 2nd imperative (v25): **forgive** + requests in **love**, not only faith (Benson) + What does **forgiveness** have to do + with my **prayer requests**? + e.g., pray for **healing**: --- Which is easier, to say to the paralytic,
‘Your sins are **forgiven**’; or to say,
‘**Get up**, and pick up your pallet and **walk**’? [Mark 2:9 (ESV)](# "ref") [Nikolay Svishchev-Paola, "Beggar with a Lyra", 1900](,_by_Svishchev-Paola_1900s.jpg "caption") >>> + **forgiveness** || **healing**: + v10-12: **heal** ⇒ + show **auth** to forgive sins + **Creator** has authority over + **body**, fig tree, mountain + ⇒ authority to **judge** + and show **mercy** --- The prayer offered in **faith** will restore the one who is **sick**,
and the Lord will **raise** him up, and if he has committed **sins**,
they will be **forgiven** him. [James 5:15 (NASB) (p.1/2)](# "ref") [Ukraine. Paul Itkin]( "caption") >>> + not that all **illness** is + due to personal **sin** + but **one** Creator + Judge has auth + to both **heal** + **forgive** --- Therefore, **confess** your sins to one another,
and **pray** for one another
so that you may be **healed**. The **effective** prayer of a **righteous** man
can **accomplish** much. [James 5:16 (NASB) (p.2/2)](# "ref") >>> + but I'm **not** righteous! + ⇒ God's **grace** + Christ **died** for my sin + ⇒ I may be **deemed** righteous + ⇒ my prayer may be **effective** + This is God's **grace** to me: + now will I show **grace** to others? --- # What **grace** has God shown **me**? # What **grace** will I show to **others**? >>> + **forgiveness** of sin + **healing** of illness + deemed **righteous** bc of Christ + ⇒ show the same to others? --- The prayer offered in **faith** will restore the one who is **sick**,
and the Lord will **raise** him up, and if he has committed **sins**,
they will be **forgiven** him. [James 5:15 (NASB) (p.1/2)](# "ref") --- Therefore, **confess** your sins to one another,
and **pray** for one another
so that you may be **healed**. The **effective** prayer of a **righteous** man
can **accomplish** much. [James 5:16 (NASB) (p.2/2)](# "ref") ---